Friday, December 23, 2011

Thinking...What one person has most impacted history?


Here was a man, a man who was born in a small village 
the son of a peasant woman
He grew up in another small village
Until he reached the age of thirty 
He worked as a carpenter
Then for three years He was a traveling minister
But He never traveled more than two hundred miles from where he was born
And where he did go he usually walked
He never held political office
 He never wrote a book never bought a home
Never had a family he never went to college and He never set foot inside a big city
Yes, here was a man
Though He never did one on the things usually associated with greatness
He had no credentials but himself
 He had nothing to do with this world
Except through the devine purpose that brought him to this world
While He was still a young man the tide of popular opinion turned against him
Most of his friends ran away one of them denied him
One of them betrayed him and turned him over to his enemies
Then He went through the mockery of a trial
And was nailed to a cross between two thieves
And even while he was dying his executioners gambled
For the only piece of property that he had in this world
And that was his robe his purple robe
When He was dead he was taken down from the cross
And laid in a borrowed grave provided by compassionate friends
More than nineteen centuries have come and gone
And today He's a centerpiece of the human race
Our leader in the column to human destiny
I think I'm well within the mark when I say that all of the armies that ever marched
 All of the navies that ever sailed the seas
All of the legislative bodies that ever sat
 and all of the kings that ever reigned
All of them put together have not affected the life of man on this earth
So powerfully as that one solitary life
Here was a man! 

  What did Napoleon say about this man?  Napoleon said, "I know men and I tell you, Jesus Christ is no mere man. Between him and every other person in the world there is no possible term of comparison. Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne and I myself founded empires. But on what did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force! Jesus Christ founded his empire upon love; and at this hour, millions would die for Him. I think I understand something of human nature; and I tell you, all these were men, and I am a man: none else is like Him; Jesus Christ was more than a man.”  

  In this a confused world..."What is the message of Christmas? It is the birth of the One who promised peace, joy and love. Try as we will, we cannot realize such values without acknowledging the point of reference for these absolutes: the very person of God and his gift to us of a changed heart and will. That message needs to be heard around our world that is reeling with problems and rife with hate. For we have proven we are not fit to be God." - Ravi Zacharias, philosopher 

When the question is asked. What one person has most impacted history?  The answer seems to always come back... Jesus Christ.  Interesting isn't it...  

Merry Christmas friends!


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